Quote Originally Posted by VOIPoTim View Post
Contact us at support@voipo.com and we'll be able to help you. If it rings then goes to dead air, the most likely issue is that the audio stream is being blocked by your router/modem. Support can help you setup port forwarding on your router to always allow our traffic through to the VOIPO device and that'll likely resolve your issue.
I've been in contact with support for a long while. So far, nothing is helping. I already did UDP port forwarding range 5004-65000 to which is grandstream box internal IP. I left it alone until we fix the issue. Still the same issue. Most of the time, the outgoing calls dialed out no problem and I can stay on for HOURS without being disconnected. But some certain number will not dial out at all that I had to use my cell to call. If I use a different number while cannot dial that certain number, it will dial out no problem. It rings once, then nothing. Sometimes the party would tell/ask me if I called them earlier because they answered and it was dead air.