Wanted to say; disregard looking into this. I was able to figure out the problem. Obviously it was a NAT issue; but having both the ATA and IP Phone registering to different servers at voipo, shouldn't have been a problem.

However; after looking around some more at the settings in the IP phone (Grandstream GXP2130), I found a couple of settings that referenced being behind a NAT. Since checking those, I've found I no longer have issues. Both my IP phone, as well as my ATA (Supplied by VoipO and connected to 10 phones), both work fine and ring the lines as they are suppose to.

This is a perfect example of why VoipO can NOT offer customer service to BYOD type devices. There's only 1000 +/- types of devices out there; along with 10,000 +/- possible configuration combinations; along with 1000 +/- different home network configurations out there. It's difficult enough to supply customers with one standard device and make that work being the various types of home/business networks. Adding in the variables of numerous manufacturers and their compatible devices is simply asking too much.

That is why we have forums like this. To provide information and assistance to each other. Let me know if you have any questions trying to do a similar configuration.

Later...... Mike......