Yea; sorry to hear Lantern is having issues. The ONLY times I've had issues, is when my internet was acting up. Was happening for about 2 weeks. I discovered it was a router on my end. Wasn't my ISP or VoipO. My network runs 3 separate routers, so it was basically my fault. Other than that, no problems.

Sounds like lantern might be having local gateway issues; or indeed maybe a server issue. I know VoipO has more than one server location. You could ask and see about configuring your system to one of the other server locations; at least for a test.

And while not trying to argue or start anything; I'm curious as to how long Lantern has been having problems. 9 years seems like a long time to "Put Up" with service if 54% of your clients are leaving. Seems like you'd have moved on to a new provider.

But as Burris said; each customer's experience is going to be a little different. I guess I'm just blessed. Then again, it seems to be the same for me with all technology. I had DirectvNOW Streaming tv service. People complained on the forums and facebook all the time about their up and down service. Mine NEVER went down. Changed to Hulu + Live tv 7 months ago because DirectvNow changed their programming. Again; people all over forums and facebook complaining about Hulu being down, bad service, bad support, etc. Mine..... NEVER BEEN DOWN. Always works. My internet has had 4 glitches over a 15 year period. Yet, I read people complaining about spectrum all the time. I guess I'm just really lucky. Then again, I'm a network geek. Most common users aren't. Streaming ANYTHING is definitely not a spectator's sport. Some day it, and the internet, may be truly a plug and play world. But for now, it's still partially a "Plug and Pray" technology. Phone, Video, TV, etc.