Quote Originally Posted by jack90125 View Post
my setup is cablemodem -->router--->grandstream and it works fine.
I have stuff running on the router (ddwrt&optware) and all works fine.
I had to change the grandstream to a set ip as not running a dhcp server (do not need someone parked on the street hacking the internet). on the grandstrteam lan port is empty as have no need for anything hanging off it.
I had to call support to get it working as they had me change a setting in the advanced tab of the grandstream.
all has worked great and I still have my media server running off the router with no issues.
Question - how did you get into the Grandsteam to configure it? Since my set up does now allow it to be seen as a device, and it does not show up with an ip address, I do not have a way to log into its interface. At least as far as I know. My problem is that if I attach the WAN output of the Grandstream to the WAN input of my router, the Grandsteam still does not show up as a device, and I lose my internet connection. If I could turn its dhcp server off, maybe I could change my set up to emulate yours.