Quote Originally Posted by GreenLantern View Post
Having to "treat" individual numbers suggests that there are many (!!!) other numbers with broken routes, just waiting to be discovered.

User's won't discover these broken routes until they try calling a particular, affected number.

At that point, the user must open a support ticket, then wait for a route treatment, before they can complete that call.

That is, if they know to ask for a route treatment. Many customer will waste precious time fiddling with routers, ports, and phone settings before reporting the issue. Then as a reseller, I waste more time asking the user if they have tried rebooting their router, opened ports, etc. Then voipo asks me the same things before finally performing a route treatment.

As a result, end users have to hold their breath anytime they dial a new number.

I don't understand why I experience this with voipo, but never had this problem with older voip services like vonage.

I do know that this issue has caused me to lose (and tick off) lots of customers, because (understandably) they lost confidence that they would be able to reliably dial and connect.
As an end user I can confirm that I am rapidly losing confidence that I can reliably dial and connect. This is a shame because I really like VOIPO in every other way (customer service, features etc). BUT, the primary reason I have the service is to make and receive phone calls when I need to and if I can't do that I will not hesitate to research alternative providers. Many times the number I'm trying to reach (that requires a routing treatment) is a one-off dial and I don't have the need to call that number again. That makes testing the number to confirm it is fixed irrelevant (especially when in my view the issue should not have happened in the first place). Strangely, this week I had issues with two regularly called numbers that always previously worked without any issues. That I truly can not comprehend. Something must be going on behind the scenes that shouldn't be going on. I would like to hear from VOIPO regarding this because it is certainly changing the amount of people (and there have been many) that I recommend this service to.